The Great War Flying Museum

To honour the pilots who served with gallantry and distinction during the Great War of 1914 – 1918.

David Steel 1959 – 2023

David Steel passed away November 30th at 12:30 pm . David had suffered from a degenerative muscle disorder for many years, culminating in his decision to take advantage of Canada’s medical assistance in death programme (MAID). David was 64 years old.

David joined our Museum in 2001 and remained an active member in spite of being unable to get out in person for the last decade or more. His interest in the history of warfare led to him to studying history and politics at Western University, followed by a stint in the Royal Canadian Navy as an officer before being invalided out as his physical problems began. His subsequent careers included working as a guard at a correctional facility, working for social services with people with Down’s Syndrome, and as private security with the TD Bank.

Throughout it all, David was a great supporter of our Museum championing the handicapped ramp to the Artefact building and helping out with research on various historical topics using his extensive book collection, which spanned virtually every major war. Many of the books in our library were previously donated by David and he recently gifted the remainder of his WWI collection to the Great War Flying Museum.

Those of us who knew David will remember his passion and miss his contributions to the GWFM. Our sympathies go out to his sister Sally and her husband Bill. We will honour David with a missing man formation at our next Airport Day.


This entry was posted on 04/12/2023 by in Uncategorized.

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